First off, Happy Hallowe'en, my fellow bibliophiles! While Hallowe'en isn't my favourite holiday of the year, I still love the atmosphere and having an excuse to eat lots of sweets and carve pumpkins with my housemates! Plus it's the perfect time to re-watch Harry Potter :D
Anyway, I had some free time today so I thought why not do a wrap up of everything I read in October? It's been a pretty good reading month, if I do say so myself. I had quite a few books given to me by new authors, some that had been on my TBR list for what seemed like years, the finale of a great trilogy, and of course re-reading an illustrated edition of one of the best magical series of all time.
I finished Ignite Me, the finale in Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series. A great ending to a uniquely-written story. See my review here.
Next was Unleashed, the second in a retelling of the Hades-and-Persephone myth by Tempest Avery. It was given to me by the author (Thanks again, Tempest!) and I quite enjoyed it, I love retellings of famous myths and fairytales. See my review here.
I read another review request in the form of Outspoken by Lora Richardson. This was an incredibly cute, short and sweet story of one girl learning to stand up for herself and not let people drag her down. See my review here.
YET ANOTHER review request when Tara Sr. Pierre sent me her first novel, Just A Few Inches. When a girl decides she wants to lose a few pounds to fit into that perfect dress, she takes these diet pills that not only let her lose weight, but height as well! We see her deal with this "illness" and see her grow as a person as a result. See my review here.

I then finished Hades myth when I read Unbound. See my review here.
And who can forget Mr Harry Potter, in the book that started his magical adventure and started a fandom that will last forever.

And finally I tackled Rebel Belle, the first in Rachel Hawkins trilogy. I'd had this on my TBR for so long but as it wasn't out on Kindle I never got around to reading it. But then I managed to download it and I'm so glad I finally read it! Currently reading the sequel, Miss Mayhem, and enjoying that too. See my review here.
So those were all the books I read this month. I have plenty planned to read in November, but with college exams and assignments stopping me from reading, I just hope I won't get behind. What books did you read this month? Let me know in the comments.