You know one of the hardest thing about being a non-American fangirl? I get to miss out on all the events and book signings that go on as the majority of my favourite authors are American and mainly do signings over there. They rarely come over to Ireland. So it's like an extra big deal when an author of one of my favourite books comes over here, because who knows when it'll happen again? That's why I was so excited when I heard that Cassandra Clare was coming to Ireland! I know!!
If you haven't heard of Cassandra Clare (and if you haven't, have you been living under a rock the past eight years?) she's the author of the famously popular Mortal Instruments series, Infernal Devices, and most recently the Dark Artifices series, with Lady Midnight being released on 8 March this year. When I saw she was coming over to my small island to sign some books and give an interview, I might've gotten a tad overexcited. Because when am I going to get the chance to see her again??
It was an absolute amazing experience and one I recommend all of you do if she comes to a town near you in the future. Me and my roommate/fellow fangirl got up at the crack of dawn to go on a very long bus ride with two books in tow to get signed. I bought LM and City of Lost Souls with me. There was an interview with a manager before the signing where she discussed the book (spoiler-free) and talked a little bit about the sequel, Lord of Shadows. Isn't that an awesome name, by the way? If anyone wants spoiler-y news about the sequel, I'll hide it in white below (just highlight below to read!)
Cassie promised that the sequel would feature a lot more Magnus and Alec (which the audience got so excited about!) and that Emma and Julian would venture below to the world of Faerie! Mark's love triangle with Kieran and Cristina will also be explored a lot more. Doesn't it sound amazing??
Okay done spoilers. After her interview, Cassie sat outside and we all lined up to get our books signed. Here's a picture of me talking to her! I told her my favourite character was Tessa and asked her some questions about the end of LM (which she wouldn't answer, sadly)

It's all blurry cause we were both moving our hands a lot. (For some reason the woman who took the picture never asked us to pose, which was annoying to be honest.)
And here are my two beauties afterwards! One got stamped as she had a hand injury but she hand-signed Lady Midnight.

So that was my booknerd experience with Cassandra Clare! It was so amazing and I totally don't regret skipping college to go, haha! Now if only Jennifer L Armetrout would come over here, I would die a happy girl.
Did any of you ever go to a book signing? If so, who's? Let me know in the comments below!