Book: The Eternity Cure, Julie Kagawa
Series: Blood of Eden series
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: May 1st,
Rating: 5 stars
The Eternity Cure is just as dark,
gripping and mesmerising as the first book. Allison Sekemoto has left her group
of humans in the one place where they will be safe from monsters like her – in Eden.
This also includes her beloved Zeke, the one human who burrowed his way into
Allie’s heart and refuses to budge.
Eden is no place for a vampire,
especially one with unfinished business, and Allie has a task to do. She’s been
having nightmares of her sire, Kanin, who is in utter agony at the hands of a
psycho vampire who wants Kanin to suffer, and suffer horribly. So Allie sets
out to find her mentor, the one who saved her life and made her what she is. What
she didn’t expect was to find Jackal, her blood brother, instead. If you don’t
remember, Jackal was the Raider King who kidnapped the humans Allie befriended
in his search for the cure to the deadly Red Lung virus. Instead of a brutal
fight between two siblings, they set out on a journey together to help rescue
Jackal totally surprised me by
completely endearing me to him. He quickly became my favourite character who
made me laugh aloud more than once.
“I have good news and bad news. The
good news is that the jeep is still where we left it, and I got the damned
thing working again."
"What's the bad news?"
"Something took my fuzzy dice.”
In a life or death situation, I screamed
when it looked like we could lose Jackal and cried with joy when he emerged
victorious. He reminded me so much of Sebastian Morgenstern from The Mortal
Instruments series – completely screwed up and cruel, yet strangely likable. He
sees humans only as bloodbags and doesn’t see Allie’s attraction to them, but
he will still protect the ones that Allie cares for, as well as Allie herself. I
can’t wait to see more of him in the final book.
Allie, just like in the first book, struggles
to hold onto her humanity in the face of her monstrosity. She’s becoming an
incredibly strong warrior and doesn’t feel immense guilt for killing when she
knows it’s either them or her. She’ll do whatever it takes to save the ones she
cares about, but is also not averse to being cruel when she needs to be, which I
loved about her. I've seen many heroines who will be kind even to their
enemies, but I can’t see Allie ever doing that. She will kill anyone who has
hurt her or her friends, and her inner demon will smile viciously on.
I loved her relationship with Zeke;
just like in the first book, he was Allie’s light of humanity when she was
drowning in darkness, and I think they both helped each other grow. Zeke’s not
as naïve as he was in the first book, and he’s become a strong leader and
fighter and I will always cheer for him. However, I think I'm Team Vampire for
this series. Why? Kanin.
Oh, Kanin. He broke my heart in this
book. He was in so much pain and agony, and there was nothing anyone could do
to stop it. He was a wise and sage as ever, but he will continue to fight
against those who are trying to kill him.
Nobody is safe until Sarren, the
psycho vampire, is dead, and with the way this book ended, I can’t wait to see
the final standoff between our trio of vampires and one super strong,
completely insane vampire. It will be epic.